Our Goals
Salmon for All is committed to the following goals:
Supporting conservation. We advocate for seasons that support fisheries while working within impacts derived for ESA listed stocks. Viable fisheries, in turn, provide advocacy regarding conservation and environmental issues affecting salmon. Multiple user groups and stakeholders have an obligation to serve as advocates for salmon. All have value. No user group should bear a disproportionate share of the conservation burden.
Supporting sustainability. We are committed to balancing market needs against run sizes and other user needs to achieve sustainable fisheries.
Supporting consumer access to fresh local salmon and sturgeon. Because many regional and national residents do not partake directly in the harvest of fisheries resources on the Columbia River, we are committed to providing access by making our products available to them.
Supporting community-based employment. We believe in supporting and retaining the infrastructure and employment patterns of fishing communities through training of crews, stability of fleet and community, expansion of markets, and advocacy for viable family-wage incomes.
Recognizing the historic rights of legacy fisheries. This includes recognizing the importance of tribal harvest and the gillnet fleet, as well as the role played by long-term traditional family-based occupations and marine cultures in establishing community identity, community stability and community health.
Recognizing the complex nature of fishing businesses centered on the Columbia River. We support using the Columbia River fish resources as a “magnet” for income from other fisheries outside the area as a means for retaining and enhancing the economic benefits to depressed rural communities.